The Real: Love l Part 3 l

Feb 15, 2023

In this seventh session, we sit down and continue the topic of Love. We turn our attention from discussing love in a romantic stance to now a more paternal and friendship stance. Love is not just something that you experience in a romantic relationship with a partner but it is something you choose to do. Love is a choice and love is also an action. Loving others is what we were called to do and it is important to discuss the correct ways to love.

In this third part, we continue to crack down on relationship dynamics and how men and women both have innate natural roles they are inclined to fulfill in order to feel whole in a relationship. You get more with honey than you do with vinegar. We also touch on friends or people who seem to always take from you but never give back. Vampires are real? I'm tired of giving the same advice to the same person that doesn't seem to listen, do i stop doing so? Do you want me to just hear you out or do you want my advice? Hate doesn't break up Love, Pride does.

What is Love?

Real questions with real answers for real people.